Sport as an opportunity

Together with the Social Council of the Buenos Aires City Government, Red Argentina por la Adopcion, Fundacion River and Racing Club in Villa del Parque, we conducted introductory basketball clinics and workshops on the importance of sports for children in adoption situation.

The Social Council has 5 areas of work: motherhood and early childhood, addictions, older adults, disabilities and adoption. As members of the Honorary Council of the Social Council, on this occasion we worked on the last axis, teenagers in adoption situations.

From Cre-Ser we would like to thank Racing Club for allowing us to use their facilities, the entire team of the Social Council and also the teachers of River and Racing for their support and training of the children.

Cynthia Hotton, president of the Social Council, participated in the event.


Sofia Meijide with Cynthia Hotton

Sofia Meijide, our representative in Buenos Aires, had the pleasure to meet with Cynthia Hotton, president of the Social Council of the City of Buenos Aires. We have the common goal of promoting social sport in the City of Buenos Aires and we have already started to think about concrete initiatives. We are very grateful for this new space to promote more basketball!

Meeting with the honorary members of the Social Council

This meeting addressed the current situation of the work axes of the Social Council of Buenos Aires City and how these could be articulated with the actions of the different organisations that participated in the event. The main topics discussed were: adoption, older adults, pregnancy and early childhood.

Special recognition to Maria Alejandra Segura

Maria Alejandra Segura, founder of Cre-Ser, was named Honorary Member of the Social Council of the Autonomous of Buenos Aires City, for her outstanding work for the common good.

The Social Council is a body of the Autonomous of Buenos Aires City, chaired by Cinthya Hotton. It was created as a space for participation in the implementation of social policies.

Its mission is the articulation and joint work between civil society, the third sector, the private sector and the different levels of government, in order to offer concrete solutions to problems that affect the community.



Training for the prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism

From Cre-Ser Foundation we participated in a training organized by GDFE and EY, to strengthen institutional transparency and avoid direct or indirect financing of terrorism.

Sustainable finance and financing tools

On this occasion, the Cre-Ser Foundation was part of a workshop on innovative financing tools in order to achieve sustainable projects with green and social objectives.